Monday, April 20, 2009

The Bronx Will Have To Wait...

Today was supposed to be my first visit to the new Yankee Stadium. However, the weather had other ideas.

For a change, the weathermen actually got it right when they called for rain for most of the day, and getting heavier as the day went on.

By 3:30, the Yankees had decided to postpone the game, as well as my debut at the new Yankee Stadium.

Part of me felt relieved because I really didn't want to experience my first game at the new park, in cold, soggy, conditions. However, I was more than prepared to put on the layers of clothes and rain gear to go watch my team.

All day long I had been picturing what it would be like to stand in the Great Hall, and see the field with my own eyes, not the camera views. I thought about seeing Monument Park's new location, and the perks of the modern ballpark.

The game is likely to be rescheduled for when the A's come back into town in July, but I'm hoping to get to the stadium before then.

I'm hoping that as the saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait."

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